
Effective Webdesign


Posted by admin | Posted in Design | Posted on 28-04-2009

The Basics

Before starting on how to design a website effectively, how about clearing some basic web design concepts? Designing Effectively

Now that you know what web design and related terms mean, lets get down to the real thing: Designing Effectively How to balance artistic design with practicality and functionality.

Use of graphics and content

Unless your website is all about graphics, how to make them, edit them or just a bunch of links to graphics websites, I suggest you use graphics sparingly, especially the flashing, twirling kind. They not only detract readers from the content, but they also take ages to load. You do not want your readers to leave your website because your graphically attractive page does not seem to load fast enough. Then again, too much text is boring. So mix and match the graphics and text on your page, having enough white space so that the page is not plain annoying.

The Topic Of Your Website


Posted by admin | Posted in Design | Posted on 28-04-2009

The first thing you will have to deal building your website has nothing to do with the web design itself, it’s me related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide what the topic of your future website is. Topic is very closely connected to another web design issue: keywords. The keywords you select will depend upon the topic you have chosen. When thinking about website topic ask yourself a few questions: What is the goal of the site you are making? What are you trying to achieve with your site. Specify a goal, preferably in one short sentence.

Take a sheet of paper and a pen and put all you can think out about your future website. Brainstorm! Just put everything that comes to your mind: what you want to give to your visitors, what the site is about, what you want to accomplish with your website, what is your experience in the area you would like to select as topic? The more points you could think up the better. Then sort it in the number of importance. Think what points can be deleted without harm to your project. Delete them. Leave only what is REALLY important. Try to get your goal out of those points.

Achieve Effective Data Management With a Premier Database Application Service


Posted by admin | Posted in Design5 | Posted on 28-04-2009

Any website with a database requires a proper website database application for perfect online data management. These are computer programs giving the facility to submit and retrieve data easily and effectively using the selected web browser. The information is generally in a specified format retrieved through a reliable web server. It has the capability to offer database application services to millions of users in different countries.

A well framed web database design can create websites that present updated information that is stored in the database to the users. Whenever the database of a website is revised, the visitors would be able to see it instantly in a database driven website.

One can find many websites that have outdated web pages and design. The reason for this is that hundreds of their HTML files are required to be re-written and new designs need to be introduced. As this is a very time consuming job, it becomes difficult to keep up with the changes. On the other hand website that uses database application services can undergo required changes in information and web design according to the specified purpose of the company.

Build a Business Website in Two Days with WordPress


Posted by admin | Posted in Design 6 | Posted on 28-04-2009

Many small businesses think they have to spend thousands of dollars and weeks of development time to have a functional website for their small business. But this is an outdated way to think about web design.

These days, there are a variety of content-management tools available to simplify website creation and management. WordPress is one of those tools. Yes, WordPress, the blogging system. Did you know you can also use WordPress as a full-featured website? It’s true. You can create a highly functional, easy-to-manage website using only WordPress and a bit of technical know-how.

* And you can do it in a matter of days, instead of weeks.

* And your costs could range from $50 to $500, instead of thousands.

A Business Website in Two Days

Not convinced? Need evidence? I understand. For the longest time, small businesses have been told that web development takes a long time and requires a lot of money. Thousands of web design firms make their bread and butter off this notion, and they are cursing me right now for writing this article.